Sunday 22 November 2015

10 reasons why we always have debt

Not long ago I met some interesting information in the press. Regardless of Statistics million borrowers who are waiting for their turn to loans, a variety of facilities offered by the bank's attention. According to a survey conducted by 123 different titles of credit with 16 banks in Iran, and that apart from interest-free funds and banking cooperatives that operate in isolation. Considering that the request is not for release and requires that the terms of loans, such as loans, credit repair old cars to be added, it comes on the vast majority of the population, according to the needs of the bank loans are involved. However, the subjective impression of the debtor often negative, bad and good, but in fact it is totally depending on individual circumstances can be analyzed and a situation in which it is caught.

Perhaps the earliest and most obvious reason is owed to the lack of savings. You do not have to start saving up your debt is gone, the cost of recovering your child's education, you have paid your house or car installments and total waiting time is right for you, saving and saving a little into the habit of day convert. Having a small saving not only increases your motivation to save, but also makes for some unforeseen expenses, debt and loans do not.
What is described in this article does address the causes of the public debt or the reasons why people have less savings:

1. You generally buy things they do not need

Keep in mind that shopping centers are places for leisure and entertainment and in fact, when no application outing among brands and offers splendid shopping malls pay, likely to buy unnecessary items the debtor. Earlier guidelines on how to avoid unnecessary purchases in the story as we planned our minds to stop unnecessary purchases (in both the + and + ) release.

2. purchase more of your cash today

Although speak more on your credit cards than cash buyers who purchase existing that normally such a situation for buyers in Iran are often, but buy Czech is not unlike the method of purchase. When your account balance is not enough, but on account of the increase of Czech unsure of your purchase to be postponed until conditions are met.

3. The customer's particular brand are marking news

Follow fashion, but certain brands and even obsession for some people has become a hobby. When you lower fees Wear polymers that can protect you from the cold or with the glasses cost less sure that your eyes from sun rays keep paying exorbitant prices and no plans for a specific brand of non-rational It seams.

4. Buy a house and car as usual in the lives of today's two heavy spending, are seeking diversity

If your old machine still works and can use it as a means of transport, if your home is suitable and comfortable environment for you and your family may be able to make changes instead of spending unnecessary money for better movement of capital investment and prevent the debt.
Buy or rent larger causes some costs, such as maintenance and charging h building and even buy new furniture to fill larger spaces will be added to your cost. Similarly upkeep of your current car is certainly an expensive car. Keep in mind that even if you do not have to change totally changed the problem, buy a new furnish your home even a vase desktop can also be mood to change.

5. spend your money buying items that you can easily rent or borrow

Certainly does not have all the storage you have a 20-inch chainsaw it only because it needed to have a day or so dishes in the kitchen shelves that can afford a party 200 to let (something that rarely happens in today's world). Rentals of dishes and ceremonial centers can easily come at this time to help you. Recognize what to buy and what to borrow or rent, depending on different people but certainly an option to consider before you buy.

6. The price of your purchase

Of course, to buy something like clothing or furniture can not be done in bulk but to buy necessities such as washes or even food consumption with high durability can go to stores and major shops and major purchases of discounts not special.

7. You do not have a clear plan for their income

You may have been caused by an increase in revenue despite his imagination, have found a larger debt. With any amount of money, you pay for previous debts, savings, investment and necessary purchases you need to plan and budget. To start a free software just as personal accounting peaches or Gnucash on your mobile phone or tablet.
 Financial management is not part of the inner man and it should be taught. So how financial planning expert help or in this case study.

8. Lost your savings and investments

In the introduction, a brief explanation was made about the importance of saving. Next offer small investments and low risk. For your money you an opportunity rather than constrain inflation loses its value, but could be more valuable in the long run.

9. You live with someone prodigal

Well, if you like the prodigal roommate or spouse, although the opposition leader will be difficult, but you can manage the cost of home to Him. Perhaps the financial responsibility will cause some unnecessary expenditures to be eliminated from your life.

10. illusion you get rich overnight

If you know someone in your family who has been unhappy tickets and a large sum of money in one night, it is necessary to know the probability of such a chance for each person is not only a tenth of a percent, so much on these rich, account a.

Please remember that debt can be erased or re-create avoided and this requires a bit of effort, planning and learning. We all want to have a comfortable life and happiness, so the quality and value of your life to others' expectations of you and not pin material objects.

ways to help you quickly go to sleep

Research shown persistent insomnia has many negative effects, including confusion, irritability, confusion and obesity. But knowing that we need to get enough sleep and to understand the science behind it , probably waking up at 3 am for us is disturbing. But still among us, people who suffer from insomnia. To help these night owls, the best scientific methods that sleep health experts have gathered many years of study and propose,here i suggest some ideas

Create a regular routine for going to bed room

It is necessary that your mind and body before sleep by doing simple exercises such as hot showers and deep study relax.
For example, Bill Gates before bedtime  read books with public health issues or the date of shipment or Huffington study to study, and before bed it's the old way of print books not by using a laptop electronics.

Your room is equipped to sleep

 between 65 and 68 degrees F (18 to 20 ° C) and adjust to the dark room using thick curtains.and having good air condition .

Do not use your mobile phone to tune hours

In fact, for many years the mobile phone has been replaced by alarm clocks. Since the beginning of the problem is that if you have long after your arrival in bed, sleeping  temptation to use the phone and tickles your program. There is no excuse, with low cost provide an alarm clock.

Take a deep breath

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to avoid stress when, in fact, took a deep breath and from the brain to the body transmit a message to the brain that is conducive to relax.
Family therapist Vicky Stark in " Psychology Today "suggests that, in practice, tail, scene Imagine a walk, clean and fresh air in your lungs and your cells take and on the exhale, imagine all the toxins and negative thoughts Self-guided out of your body and your body to rebuild again. By focusing on this method of breathing makes this a little practice that you feel more relaxed and easier to fall asleep.

Relax your muscles.

Tensions remain one business day tendons and muscles. When you go to bed with progressive way to relax your muscles. It is very simple. First, a group of muscles stretched and then leave and go to the next group
Catherine Darley, Director of the Institute of Naturopathic Sleep in Seattle recommends that a progressive relaxation of your fingers start. Bend your toes and hold for seven seconds free to do it again and gradually come to the neck muscles.

Entertain your mind to a mental exercise

Counting sheep before sleep is a little old. Doctor Wiki Sylal , sleep expert and offers a better option and it is counting down the multiples of the number 3 100. (... 90-93-96-99).Counting help you into a trance rhythm sleepiness Tennis also count as a result of a challenge to keep their focus on counting.

Get out of bed

Harnt Walia, MD, Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders "If after 30 minutes lying in bed sleeping should not get out of bed on the bed. In fact, by staying in bed most of the time to teach your mind that not a single bed sleeping and your mind gets used to it. "
So avoid making this image, get out of bed, read, listen to music, even dishes or whatever you can to try to comfort you.

Do not worries to bed with you

If your mind is engaged in business concerns, work today, tomorrow and the future, they will not take the throne. Walia of the proposal concerns the paper and what you uneasy pieces in it.

Imagine a beautiful dream

When your mind reviewing the events of the day had finished, goes further and is involved in other events. Here's a tip: Imagine yourself in a dream location and position and to give details. Imagine, for example, went to a memorable trip to the beach with air conditioning, a cocktail transparent sea, sunset pleasant and the breeze that caresses your face. Live images can be very useful and least distracting your mind from focusing on the negative and stressful.

During the day to have plenty of activities

If during the day you have not done enough work to feel your body needs rest will in fact be more active as you want to go to sleep better.


Better use of pillows

The researchers found that for head and neck support pillow because of the role it plays in improving sleep efficiency. Also, the Oprah Magazine who come to sleep better than the ingredients they use are not allergenic pillows made ​​from dust and protect.


Your doctor

Finally, if you have chronic insomnia problem, see your doctor for specialized advice.


What to do with talkative people?

A good conversation occurs when the two sides to talk to each other, listen and respond. In fact, when one of the parties to the dialogue to balance this relationship together, there's verbosity. Maybe the cartoon character Mr. Chatterbox remember. Many people encounter on a daily basis that even a simple greeting such socialise and indulge in talking looking for an excuse to escape, let alone sessions, sometimes for knowledge, so talk to debate lasts remains pristine.

Before they began to prattle Stop
Listening, understanding and subtle breaks

Verbose help people learn to hear and respond initially not always easy. The classification of these people, a group that knows its own characteristic and perhaps even try to keep it as a positive feature and unwanted group discussions, and perhaps the only reason for this verbosity verbosity that your order can not be summed concise sentences There. So to cover this weakness more and more explaining. But what do we do in conversation with these people?

If you know your audience as a talkative, before going on a long monologue prevent it from happening. If possible, briefly describe the content and conversation that he felt led to or comment on the topic that summarises. Gist Gist tell and ask to speak to a need for additional information and the margins are not discussed.
Questions role in conversation and allow you to keep the conversation in the direction you want. When your audience away from the subject, by asking the right questions can train again to restore rail. Finally, if you're comfortable enough to remind him that his verbosity, maybe he did not do it. The courtesy to explain he does not need to say more to him you understand.
If you can not stop prattle from the beginning or at the point of discussion with the audience is not comfortable to try to change your routine, listen, can not help but listen complete and effective. Sometimes we are dealing with talkative people gradually become isolated from the environment and your dream beach walk. Do not pretend you're really listening. Ignore them cause to feel that they should explain that you understand what they mean. With signs of verbal, visual try to show that what he wanted to convey their transfer and you also have to understand.

In fact, the opposite side of nature is interrupted the conversation polite, but sometimes only and best option. If you do your job right now and in fact you can show that you understand your audience, you have common views and sentences him for entrusted, can create a sense of empathy that helps to extinguish the fire Jabber.
Remove audience

Some people are talkative hungry for attention and that people enjoy listening to them when considering previous methods do not satisfy the requirement that he away. Klara solution that's somewhat rude, but can be effective. When you're in a band and want the attention and stop off at one of your relatives that you feel like you are way out in the new issue began to talk.
Nothing like losing audiences to a talkative person does not cause discomfort. So his listener and try not to engage in a dialogue with the people around you.
Your time is valuable and you should respect all. When a two-person conversation, you can explain that by doing something, unfortunately, you have to go and follow the discussion later. Use body language to show a hurry to go can be effective. Even before the discussion when you know the other side of verbosity can express time limit for conversation, for example by saying that I have ten minutes to get out to the audience Movement of great opportunities for conversation do not have.
Of course, all those times when sad, angry, happy or excited and emotionally need to be with somebody who maybe you just the audience and listening to them. Jabber control them at the same time that you are trying to be kind and patient. Need to talk and explain to all our might occur.

Did you feel bored all the time ????

All we're trying to  keep fatigue and boredom away, but there is evidence that it may be better to stop fighting and accept bored with open arms!
However, impatience is not a pleasant condition, but without meaning and not the result, we are bored because they're curious and want more from life conditions, it does not satisfy us and around us suffer from routine. This sense and could be our guide in creating a big thing, because:

impatience increase creativity

When you're tired and bored we start to daydream, new connections in the future and new ideas that might lead to innovation. Studies have shown that the best thoughts and ideas while showering comes to mind when we bathe our mind has no involvement and the chance that we follow the stream of consciousness.
 When we think we tend to focus on a certain subject line, and in fact will result in a specific area known to be free but when the mind wanders, we can not find new ways out of the routes.

Boredom can inspire us to find new goals, opportunities and new ideas

When we got tired of the surroundings and the goals often come in looking for a new alternative. In fact, fatigue is the spark for change. At the time we are concerned about mental fatigue and perhaps a new responsibility that often leads to the development of new ideas and new experiences.

Fatigue can help us be successful in the workplace

Contrary to the mentality of fatigue in the workplace can lead to success, especially in the areas of job creation. All cases so far have reviewed the organisational environment more conducive to productivity, although it may initially have lower productivity on a temporary basis but to find creative ways little by little we new ideas of useful best light.

A study conducted last year showed that innovative solutions are often created when a person is tired of the work. To test this theory on 40 people exhausting task such as copying phone book numbers and the like, and then formed brainstorming session on the use of a pair of cups of the group with a group that already in the cup of coffee use directly The idea worked and they compared the ideas first then doing something mundane and boring Interestingly, it was creative.

You're not the only one bored world

If no one is around you or even stuff that's over, you feel better and still it does not make you bored frustrated, keep in mind the fact that you are not alone and many people are always feeling experience.
While fatigue and impatience can cause problems and negative aspects tend to substance abuse, depression, anxiety, overeating and lose focus and spread like poison in various aspects of life, but from another point of view can be a good opportunity to build better days is. In fact, boredom is not as bad as it seems, this time they were bored to lay your phone, turn off the TV and let her ride on the wings of imagination and thought of flight experience.


effort,work,money how to break this cycle

Today's world is such that the majority of us are in some kind of endless marathon running. For better social position, more money, and being happy, we spent the best years of your life with the ongoing work.worst of all is that most of the work that we're unhappy, tired of the routine and ongoing effort. Then  don't notice the transition hours, days, months, and years, and do not forget we have each others human responsibilities. we don't see out  children grow up and after a while  only a deep yearning remains for us.  Maybe if money  is not the first priority in our lives, we all have happy times  and live longer.
and here i list 6 reasons why our life is not most revolve about money 

Money is not the best motivation
Why do most of us get up early in the morning and go to work? Most would say that this is how they make their living. We need work to make money. And almost none of us would say he works just because he likes his profession. Parents usually explain their kids that their future depends on their scores at school. Good results will allow them enter a better university or college which in turn guarantee a better position at work. What for? Again, the answer is the same: money. What you should really do is go to work in order to better your inner self, gain skills and experience and be more useful to the society.

2. Do not participate in the game  for money
People tend to race when they feel that there is someone who is better than them. We measure success in money and wealth . It is considered that the more money the person makes the more successful he is in life. This is only partly true. There are too many people who are rich yet unhappy and lonely. Here the smartest decision is to quit comparing yourself to others and let others compete. Be yourself, do your job to cover basic expenses and do not pile money to prove others you can do what they can.

3. Money does not equal happiness
You might sometimes think that all you need to be totally happy is more money. Actually, you would not be happy if you had more money in your bank account . Do not forget that money buys material things, but happiness is not sold. The real joy of life lies in your family, children, friends – all the things that involve moral values. Money will make you feel satisfied, not happy. Besides, satisfaction lasts only for a short time. Once you get used to what you have you start wishing for more. Learn to live on money that is enough to cover your basic needs.

4. Money cannot make you healthy
When we are talking about health we mean 4 spheres: mental, spiritual, psychological and physical health. You will probably agree that making big money requires more effort, you go through stress and tension at work. You get less sleep at night. You feel more and more responsible and cannot relax. This damages your physical as well as psychological state. Why keep making money while losing health? Do not overwork. This will bring you negative emotions and experience.

 5. the best things are  free
Only children know what fun is. And it’s time for us, adults, reconsider our priorities! Kids appreciate games, cartoons, playing outside… All those activities can be obtained for free. When we grow up we think we cannot entertain ourselves if we do not pay for it. There are a lot of fun things to do and enjoy that do not require any finance. You can invite your best friend over and have a conversation. Spending a couple of hours outside is also great. And it makes no difference what the weather outside is. Staying at home and reading a book or watching your favorite movie – do whatever makes you happy.

6. Love is never for  sale
We sometimes believe that if we have money, we can have all we want. There will always be someone who will try to prove that even love can be purchased. Do not believe those people. Love as well as loyalty an sincerity cannot be bought. Rich people attract others. Trust us, once they bankrupt and lose their money all those who now surround them will leave them. True friendship includes devotion 24/7. You are lucky if you are loved for your personality rather than your wealth. There is a lot that the Bible teaches us about money. Read it or talk to genuine believers and church-goers to find out what true Love is.

by the way i hope you like it share your opinions with us .