Tuesday 22 December 2015

whats the future of apple?

Apple from the beginning of his career so far, one of the most attractive trade story has made the world a company that did nearly two decades ago are of a bankruptcy, now stands as the most valuable company in the world, and that alone, news of adventure many years that the company has spent the.
Apple Valley is now as large corporate and technological standing by one of the many challenges facing the digital age, the terrorists how to take advantage of encryption technology in various products. The fate of billions of dollars of tax payments for what will eventually remain in Ireland and finally, the role of China in trade and labor that Apple mentioned the company in the country to be allocated.
"Charlie Rose" on the program "60 Minutes" in an interview with Tim Cook, Jony Ive, Phil Schiller and other executives of the company have the same issue; he seeks to answer the question of what, Apple to such an innovation, and it has been profitable and on the other hand, come from the company's secrecy. The kind of secrecy that would be perfect in Apple's DNA is established. The laid off, the team talked with you to sit and stitch together a series of mysterious Jonathan Ive our design studio.

owever, to date, led by Apple's Tim Cook who took four years, but fifteen years ago, the founder of Apple Steve Jobs was on hand.
Jobs efforts, computers, tools very heavy, bulky, and professional, household products, and now has become perhaps the most personal in their names all the time.
IPhone today, 12 thousand times more powerful than the first Macintosh and Apple's next year will be a billion units sold. But the person who after the founding chair of the meeting, was handpicked by Jobs, a man named Tim Cook.
Cook: I've ever seen anyone like him in the earth. Working with him is an honor -
Charlie Rose: Nobody? Even one?
What was that?
-Av A unique capability for the future and could predict future events. Personal insatiable appetite for excellence in its approach to development and felt.
It seems that evolutionist spirit over the body of Steve Jobs, Apple still in flight. He no similar institutions that can not be found for him, visionary foresight that was able before people feel they need to provide their products to the. Cook the other hand, an engineer with dignity and love his work that brought Alabama head of Cupertino. However, Apple's corporate campus, the company was still in the same way they talk about Jobs, Tim Cook talk about the head.
Cook: Sometimes the standards were so high that simply was not good enough. That matter, to be "excellent" go to be accepted. According to Steve: "crazily awesome!".
Charlie Rose: you believe you are able to do things that other companies are unable to do.
Cook: Yes. We believe and hope this time we have proof.

Steve Jobs the visionary foresight that people feel able to before, it was necessary to provide their products to the
At the beginning of each week, at 9 am on Monday, meeting top executives held at the headquarters of Apple. Charlie Rose goes to the meeting and said: "I'm 60 minutes, followed by the top minds in the Apple I, one person told me I could find them in this room." Tim Cook answered says: "No, you are wrong!"
Top executives at the meeting is mandatory and if you bring the room together, it means that one of the most important people are employed at Apple. These people, however, do not rent to be present at their meeting but, what is more eager to say that the more enjoy their company.
Eddy Cue (Eddy Cue) had a significant personal contribution to the creation of iTunes, said: "Working in a company that you know Dstrnjtan by a lot of people used globally, has a unique atmosphere. Is no different than the person, 2 years old or 100 years. They tested the products that we make and this is very exciting for me. "
Charlie Rose: Is the DNA of Steve Jobs is still talked about everything that has ever seen?
Cook: Yes. This, the company Steve is a born and still liking he goes. I think the process is going well and left his DNA at Apple.

If someone mention that the closest character to Steve Jobs at Apple must go to "Jonathan Ive" Let's go. He says many people, the most important person in the iPad. Every product sold by the company or user to design his or her comments are applied. Jony Ive met with his design studio, where full of mystery and journalists can not find its way.

Charlie Rose: The amazing thing to me is that on many tables, cloth drawn. Why
IO: Do this so that you can not see what's on the table, Charlie!
Charlie Rose: Actually, I want to say if I'll be able to see under the fabric, I could say that what is Apple's next?
IO: You could say that our next product is and what we're working on. This is precisely one of the reasons that did not allow people other than the original staff, to enter this field.
Charlie Rose: So you could say that's why you do not find someone here.
IO: Exactly. We do not want anyone in this room visit.

The team that manages its Ive, designer of 22 has been formed and it is said that these people have had a very close relationship, as in the last 15 years, only 2 members of staff, have left it.
On the other hand, can be easily found that the design studio, very calm and quiet, and very similar to the Apple Store. There is random, both at IO design. In this place, Ive and his team have produced initial samples and send them for overseas companies to mass production. Designers say for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, more than 10 prototypes to the final decision was taken as to which models are the ultimate examples.
Jony Ive: Two top choice because we felt we were better.

Charlie Rose: Do you do any such thing, and it produced a prototype, then so be careful you spend it?

IO: What you see and hear, only a very small part of the truth. We put a whole lot of attention, for example when you get the product, how it feels to lose you? As a result, the only way to understand design have been successful or not, is that it has produced several prototypes to choose the best among them.

Ive then takes prototype Apple display. Everything started from a simple design on paper, then experts, designed a three-dimensional computer renderings had turned the paper over and then with a CNC, which is for the production of prototypes, preliminary design Border Apple is born. When the prototype is produced by CNC machine, hand-polished by a person takes and then be delivered to the IO team. The team, all components are well studied. Ive says that his team, 100 different colors have been tested for Strap limited to only a few colors are available to users.
thanks for being with us 

Tuesday 15 December 2015

best us navy

Largest and most modern American destroyer was launched for the first time. The war multipurpose vessel "USS Zamvalt" and earlier this week for the first time moved tentatively in the ocean.
Eight years have been spent for the construction of the heaviest float war history and we must say that the first destroyer body concave century and designed according to the principles of secrecy. The slope of the sides of the ship and its edges are quite sharp. Zumwalt was originally a symbol of the future of America is the US Navy..

Sunday 13 December 2015

The success of character " not so lovely" What is in the business world?

Not so lovable characters that have changed the world with their high intelligence are not low. Perhaps most notably Steve Jobs is that apart from his reputation for shouting and invective on the staff and they told them, Apple is one of the world's most successful companies.

Perhaps you think these people with their moral and spiritual nasty, because of intelligence, creativity, and their ability to reach the more interesting ideas than those around them are successful. But new research suggests another truth that the more you spend it.

It looks like the characters rather than intelligence or creativity have, simply by carrying forward their ideas and impose them on others to perform better, even if they look different to fresh ideas or fear or doubt be.
Samuel Hunter and Lilly Kvshnbry, the study, the research focused on people who are operating as an "acceptable" rating are low. Man unacceptable, as it says the definition used by the researchers, polemicists, cocky, aggressive, opinionated and are incompatible.
In the first test of the two tests, from about 200 undergraduate tests were performed to assess the character and their ability to find new uses for ordinary objects began. They were requested to GPA and aptitude test scores also offer post-graduate studies to cognitive abilities and achievements, academic researchers can also measure them.
How was the work that was asked of all students alone and within 10 minutes found the solution to a marketing problem. Then the researchers divided them into groups of 3, and they wanted this time as a group and within 20 minutes to prepare a marketing plan.
As I thought, acceptable or unacceptable character of the students had nothing to do with the creativity of the individual. But when it was the teamwork, the likelihood of incompatible students will be able to impose their ideas to the final solution size was significantly higher, especially if other members of the group were considered to be incompatible.

In the second experiment, the researchers wanted to see whether the situation is unacceptable in the context of a particular group of people is getting worse or not. This time 300 students were asked to decide individually about choosing a gift. Then they sit in front of a computer and they were told to be the case with the other two participants in an online chat room to negotiate.
But participants did not know which side of the front in chat rooms, in fact The researchers said their work and ideas of the participants to give positive or negative feedback. Then the participants were asked the same groups about the characteristics of new ideas reach the next student dormitories. Once again the fake study participants were asked to give positive or negative feedback and creative ideas or your  well.
This time, the incompatibility of those had no effect on their ability to achieve new ideas. But incompatible students, in the face of negative feedback from the interlocutor creative ideas and your hook, more insistent on their own ideas.
In other words, unacceptable character with the possibility that someone may not like their ideas are not so impressed. Ironically, this, on the other hand means that the pro-environment, approval can be helpful because people receive positive feedback are more compatible.
Many times the discussion in various circles that the hated characters in the business perform better or lovable characters. These findings also give more depth to this discussion. According to survey results, it is not that despicable character but not necessarily successful in the business world are smarter or more creative than others. The problem is that they are creative and resilient in the face of your colleagues will not compromise.
The researchers acknowledged that their research has limitations, including the fact that only focused on young students. That is why the public that their findings may not apply.
Certainly, future research in this area, the more useful will be on. But here, too, at least we know that such character and genius are not necessarily creative character that all must kneel before them, but may simply be more obstinacy in carrying forward their own ideas.

Do not let fear destroy your values

Businessman and television personality Donald Trump of the United States that their presidential candidate in the 2016's. He zealously recent rhetoric about Muslims waged criticized by many government officials and even managers of private companies located throughout the world and in the most recent event, Sundar Pichai, Google's director of new wave of prejudice against Muslims (to talk fast because Trump) answered and explained the reasons discussed immigration to America.

He said: We have heard repeatedly that America is the land of opportunity for millions and millions of migrants to the country's annual walk including a concrete description of what we find in this country.Pichai continued: why is the new wave of prejudices and biased attitudes of American Muslims see these days in the media surprised me.or on the basis of their religion.Google CEO joined a group of Silicon Valley executives that the allegations against fanaticism (especially spoken by Donald Trump) have risen. On Wednesday this week, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO announced that the company "to protect the rights of Muslims to fight" and will attempt to "create the peaceful and secure environment."It is worth noting that despite the statements made by Pichai to eliminate racial discrimination where "a wide variety of races and cultures in its place" still need a lot of work in his company and competitors your company do to increase the diversity of gender and race.pay.Then Pichai said I had to publish it also conflicts with other managers, because apparently recently, criticism of biased statements against certain groups, led to tense the situation, but my feeling is that these things should be told and especially those tasks that are not under the criticism and attack others.

Friday 11 December 2015

a cure way for prevent bleeding

The syringe can take 20 seconds to prevent severe bleeding

America's Food and Drug Administration recently approved innovative that for almost a year and a half was used on the battlefield and now hopefully be ready for public use. This invention is that XStat, syringe-like device and can be deep wounds, such as stab or bullet immediately close. Into the syringe, a series of compact but highly absorbent sponges were doing that exercise blood flow.
Continuing with the leaked render tuned.

When the sponge is placed in the wound, they are opened and the pressure, the withdrawal of their blood in less than 20 seconds. Super speed this sponge in the wound, the distance between life and death show. Bleeding a few seconds more than the sensitive area can be fatal.
John Ashtaynbav, United States of America army says one of the doctors before having to leave the bandage on the wound, XS tat stop the bloodshed and more blood will not be lost. Rheumatics company's first vehicle designed against the main cause of death for army soldiers take the bleeding.
Each syringe contains 92 antimicrobial absorbent sponge material. Pads are made of wood pulp for paper that can not be absorbed by the body and is worn Caftan, antibacterial substance that causes blood coagulation.
X certain that the foam capsule can see, the little doctors so that they can easily be identified by X-ray and if it's stuck in the wound separate.

6 useful step for efficient meetings

you know its very important for bussiness for manage their meetings and its more important for the people who spend their time there ,and here i present some ways for a good meeting .

Many businesses believe that business meetings are more harmful than helpful. Their meetings interruption in daily work and know only a rhetoric that does not lead to any action.
But meetings can be held if properly frailty of the body outside the company, all of its members to work together to restore and give new life to your team. The more you useful advice to use a maximum of 6 meetings of the pass.
The leaked render tuned.

1. In the case of selective meetings

Only when there is an urgent need at the meeting. If a meeting and speak on it from every door, your employees likely will not take it seriously. But if you arrange selective meetings, participants are also more readily present in the meeting and make it more seriously.

2. Bring your goals on paper

Consider tangible results for their meetings and they advance to the paper. Whatever your working experience and expertise you can still easily some things that you want in your session, you forget to pay them. Write goals and keeps you in the right direction to prevent the marginalization of meetings.

3. Ask

Meetings should not just revolve around the CEO or leader and his party ideas need to be held. Meetings and organizations should be organized in such a way that all participants feel that their words are heard and contribute in meetings. If your team members feel part of the idea are discussed, for the deployment effort required to achieve the desired result, a greater willingness will be shown.

4. notes the

You might think all the points discussed at the meetings will be easily remain in your mind, if that is not the case. Or yourself from meeting notes, or personal responsibility to keep and then taken to the summary note after the meeting to all members of your team.

5. Consider briefly

Tell your own thing and go to the next story. To respect their employees and their ability to hear you say once you trust. If anything over the size of the cache manager, the mood of the meeting space efficiency out and it will become boring.

6. Determine next steps

This is what a good meeting distinguishes a bad session. Have you ever in your meetings to the question "What next?" Answered yet? Concrete steps to end their meetings, consider that your team members with them to the end of the session. Do not let the participants in the meetings only with the idea of ​​indefinite leave session. They join a number of practical steps and their timing.
Meetings are held if the right approach should be excited about the future participants and to bring the energy to act on them. Make sure your team members can use this energy to specific tasks and specific orientation guide.

how to look like steve ballmer

steve ballmer is one of the american ceo and he is very famous by its management ,
Hard to believe. Go to Google dot com and write: "How can we be like Steve Jobs" or "Lessons from Steve Jobs", and you'll find several pages of various contents. However, "Ballmer" replace Jobs; you will not find almost anything.
It is difficult to imagine, but more likely to be able to take lessons Ballmer, much stronger, because many of us are not inherently similar to Jobs.
Steve Jobs is a good young genius on and on [more on marketing to technology was that time had helped him find a close friendship with a technology genius. This friendship became very important to the company internationally and is now the most valuable brand in the world to work on.
Ballmer but on the other hand, was a genius and his belly a little ahead of himself walked in the middle of his head there was not a hair. Person as employee No. 30, entered Microsoft. Now Steve Ballmer and Steve Jobs in front of you and see which one you like? The leaked render tuned.
When he died, his assets were estimated at $ 10 billion. Today, Steve Ballmer $ 22 billion worth of pure form, served 34 years at Microsoft without his experience, once it is expelled.
If you're not a genius and to the mid-twenties and have not established the company as an important and valuable Ironically, the appearance of the way so you do not have a chance to learn from the life of Steve Jobs Steve Ballmer to find and get to forget.
Steve Ballmer in 1980 as employee number 30, entered Microsoft, usually when the startup form, the first few people who will own the largest share, but how Ballmer has shaped after 4 years Getting a company, entered into one of its most important figures, the important lesson is to learn.
As a "business manager" into the company and no share in the beginning did not belong to him. When his only chance was that he was open to the company that Microsoft has many customers who did not know how to manage them. It was the same thing that Ballmer had those skills and his bullying could make things the way. Bill Gates and Paul Allen agreed that apart from the salary of 50 thousand dollars, 10% of the profit growth that he would take her to give him.